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Dude chilaxing and reading a book while sitting in the snow;
Folks living around
the Montana and
Idaho mountains
were chilling while
the rest of us
were sizzling
Steven Whitecloud Old Bank Robber in Montana;
An octogenarian confessed to telling
a Zoomer to rob banks to make money
Dude using a fire extinguisher;
Two adults stopped kids from smoking by spraying the fire extinguisher on the kids’ cigarettes

Steven Whitecloud Old Bank Robber in Montana;

Steven Whitecloud

An octogenarian confessed to
telling a Zoomer to rob banks
to make money
by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 22, 2024

Ol’ fools make young fools. Case in point, an 88-year-old Montana man, named Steven Whitecloud, got himself and his 25-year-old buddy, Patrick Justice, 2 years of free housing up state.

Steven Whitecloud Old Bank Robber in Montana; Steven Whitecloud Young Bank Robber in Montana;

Mr. Whitecloud got himself and his young protégé a free-stay up state after he, according to the Department of Justice’s press release, said the following to the po’ po’, “Whitecloud told officers he suggested he and Justice rob banks to make money, as he had done in the past.”

“The past” that Whitecloud is talking about goes back 16 years ago to 2008, when he was 72 years old. And just like this time around, “GUILTY” is the word on Whitecloud’s 2008 file. As a matter of fact, the folks over at KTVQ reported that he was on probation for the 2008 bank robbery when he was bank robbing in 2023. Due to the years put on his body, Whitecloud’s role, in the 2023 bank robbery, was limited to consultant and driver.

Whitecloud and his protégé, Justice, drove around in a green, Ford Taurus and hit two banks, US Bank and Wells Fargo. The KTVQ folks reported that the police caught the two after they brought Whitecloud’s slow, speed chase to an end.

Neither Whitecloud or Justice put up a fuss. They just got out of the car, put their hands up, and went on to the local jail. Whitecloud didn’t stay too long due to his advance age that caused health problems that needed tended to.

Justice got hit with more charges that came from a fight he had back in the summer of 2023 and some unauthorized pharmaceuticals he was in possession of in 2022. The judge set his bail at $50,000.

In the end, the ol’ man got 2 years up state, 3 years of monitored release, and hit with a $3,092 restitution bill.

The young buck also got two years upstate where he’ll have time to think about the punishment to come for his other “extracurricular” activities that a jury of his peers are more than likely to find him guilty of doing.


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